Book  Talk  Date:

October 20, 2018
Saturday, 3:00 to 6:00pm

RSVP requested ​

Artist Christine Morla will share her thoughts about her work on exhibit in Strands II: Filipino and Filipino-American Contemporary Artists Encounter Textile, her evolution as an artist and how being Filipino and American has influenced her work.

Includes a short Q and A with artist
Plus Conversations with Joseph Santarromana
co-curator of Strands I & II*

 479 West Sixth Street, Suite 107, Historic Arts District, San Pedro, CA 90731   (310) 584.8148     310.514.9139

Copyright 2020. Pinta*Dos Philippine Art Gallery. USA. All Rights reserved. All images and  photos and artworks in this website are sole property of Pinta*Dos Philippine Art Gallery.

 No picture, image or artwork can be used without the gallery’s permission. 

A R T   T A L K :   C H R I S T I N E   M O R L A